Friday, October 30, 2009
Can't Make it to Anderson this season??

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's Been a Busy Month for the Falcons...
1. Coach Roos had her contract extended to match Coach Miller's! This is an amazing honor and a credit to our athletic department for "thinking outside the box." Congrats Jennifer!!
Here's the link to the story: http://www.bgsufalcons.com/news/2009/10/13/WBB_1013090915.aspx
2. Coach Miller recently spoke at the District 8 High School Coaches Clinic at the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima. He is asked regularly to speak about our High Ballscreen Offense. Over 70 high school girl's and boy's high school coaches were in attendance. And of course, his trusty assistants were also on hand to film, take pictures, and assist with his on court demonstrations. He is a good boss, however, as he did treat us to dinner afterwards! ;)
3. To celebrate the start of practice, the team enjoyed a family meal last week at SamB's. After a tough two hour practice, the team was treated to a great dinner at the favorite local restaurant. Chicken, pasta, salmon, and steak were all on the menu and our team had no trouble cleaning their plates!
4. Also last week, the men's and women's basketball teams held the Annual Tip Off Dinner. There were over 150 people in attendance to get introduced to the 2009-2010 teams, have a great meal and listen to Coach Miller and Coach Orr discuss the upcoming seasons. The event was hosted by two fantastic former Falcons: Women's basketball alum Kate Achter and Men's basketball alum Anthony Stacey. I do believe the theme of the night was the adjustment from high school to college basketball and how much the freshmen seem to be getting yelled at these days!! :) The sophomores in the room were the happiest group, as the attention is now off of them!
5. This past weekend the coaching staff was able to celebrate a momentous occasion. A great former Falcon, Sara Putoff, was inducted into the Hall of Fame. It is an incredible honor and we are so proud to have been able to share the day with her. She had two full tables of family and former teammates there to celebrate with her. Although we never had the opportunity to coach Sara, she remains one of our friends and biggest supporters. We do still wish she had some eligibility left because we would certainly find a new uniform for her!! Congrats Sara!!
Coach Miller and Sara Puthoff with her Hall of Fame Picture
6. The team also had their annual pumpkin carving contest this weekend at Coach Roos's house. We had a sundae bar for dessert and then they all got to work on their pumpkins. The creativity was flowing as they prepared for their presentations. The lights were turned out and in groups of 4 they presented their pumpkins for the coaches to judge! All of them were great and we were very impressed. Enjoy the entertaining pictures below of the winning pumpkins.
The winning team preparing for pumpkin carving domination
Scary. Only certain members of the team were allowed to touch the knives...
Pumpkin guts
The Winning Pumpkin: "The Swine Flu featuring Lauren Prochaska"...courtesy of Tamika Nurse, Tracy Pontius, Kelly Zuercher, and Sarah Clapper (there were some added effects coming out of the pumpkin's mouth that were not photograped due to the graphic nature of the flu.) :)
"Disco Dancing Ball featuring Coach Miller the running man headed for the Big Dance"...Courtesy of Laura Bugher, Simone Eli, Tara Breske, and Chelsea Albert"Kicking Butt this season"...courtesy of Jess Slagle, Danielle Havel and Jessie Tamerlano
7. Lastly, Lauren Prochaska and Tracy Pontius were both recently named to the Full Court Press Pre-Season Mid-Major Top 25 list. It's a great honor for both of our juniors as they prepare to lead our team on the "Race for Seis", or the run for our sixth MAC Championship!!
Here is the link to the story: http://www.bgsufalcons.com/news/2009/10/26/WBB_1026090245.aspx
Whew! I know that was alot but, like I said, it's been a busy month for the Falcons!! Our exhibition game is one week from today, so make sure you get out to Anderson Arena next Wednesday! The home opener will be on Friday, November 13th versus Chicago State in the Preseason WNIT tournament. Prior to the game, we will be revealing our Fifth Championship banner and presenting the team with their rings!
Roll Along!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Meet the Newcomers Part 5: Simone Eli

Our first official practice was Friday, and right off the bat the transition from high school basketball to college basketball began. We started learning right from the get-go . . .many offensive plays as well as defensive formations. Going from nearly an all zone defense on my high school team to an ALL MAN college defense has been the biggest challenge of not only my basketball career, but probably life. =] We are greatly pushed every second of practice not only by our coaches, but by our teammates as well. We are a family, so always remembering that no matter what, we’re going to pick each other back up. One major difference between high school and college ball is the “togetherness” and the “enthusiasm” of everyone during practice. There is, almost all the time, a very positive atmosphere, and just brings everyone closer, and performing even better.
Since the summer started, and the fall has begun, I have made 16 best friends, whom I love to see every day. Among them, the other “freshies”, Danielle and I have become very close. From our Wednesday night Cougar Town episodes to our Sunday night Desperate Housewives, our random trips to Dairy Queen and our 3 am fire alarms sending us outside for 40 minutes in front of Kreischer . . . I have developed not only memories, but friendships that will last a LIFETIME!
Go Falcons!
Simone Eli =]
Friday, October 23, 2009
Meet the Newcomers Part 4: Jessie Tammerlano

We had our first official practice last Friday the sixteenth, and it was an eye opener for my college career. I have never been through a three hour practice at one time. I just have to make sure my ADD does not set in. (just kidding) So far they have been going well, but very challenging. The upperclassmen really help us with the new plays and where to be on defense. Communication really makes a big difference in practice; it builds up everyone’s momentum and really gets people going.
From the start of the summer it was obvious that the team really got along. We were welcomed and became part of the family right away. It is a lot of fun being a part of this team, whether it’s eating in the cafĂ© with the other freshmen or going out to team activities. The first thing we ever did, as a team, was a team scavenger hunt organized by Jess Slagle. All of us freshmen thought that we were going be have to do some type of initiation to get into BKB (our team "sorority"), but luckily it was nothing like that. It was a fun time that allowed us to get to know our upperclassmen teammates better and their way of letting us know that we were now a part of something very special. We already have so many great memories, such as the team golf outing, the lunch with the coaches (killing them in cornhole with Danielle Havel), and the new Sunday night routine of watching Desperate Housewives together. Since I have gotten here, I have watched the first three seasons so I am all caught up with Chrissy and Danielle (we like to pretend as if we are part of the show). The coaches sometimes make fun of our silliness off the court, but we know on the court we are able to take each other seriously.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Meet the Newcomers Part 3: Allison Papenfuss

I am one of five newcomers on the team this year. I’m from nearby Whitehouse, Ohio and graduated from Anthony Wayne High School. After playing Bowling Green High School every year in my high school career it’s interesting to be attending the university just down the road. But, at the same time I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Even after so many weeks, the team is just amazing and you become so close to them and the coaching staff. It really is like a family.
With practice just starting it is definitely an adjustment. At first it was great to have some time to adjust with just classes and workouts, because at every turn we are reminded that this isn’t high school anymore. We are required to work harder in the weight room, in the classroom and on the court. The upperclassmen have set the bar pretty high for us! As the starting date for practice rolled around, nerves really started to come up; but when the date finally arrived, I was so happy to finally be playing again. This was the end of a long journey for me, as sadly, I was forced to sit out almost all of my senior year with a stress fracture in my leg, so to be playing pain free was very exciting for me.
Little did I know, the happiness of starting practice would die quickly when the first half hour of practice was more intense than the 2 hour practices I went through in high school. However, the team really comes together and the upperclassmen really look out for us. They make sure we understand everything, although we may annoy them with dumb questions sometimes, they never show it and are so patient with us.
There’s still a lot more practices to go before we are ready to play, and as much as I dread it, I’m so happy playing basketball and am so excited for the journey that we are on.
Roll Along,
Allison Papenfuss
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Meet the Newcomers Part 2: Chrissy Steffen

Our first official practice started on Friday, and it is definitely a different experience than a high school practice. They have been going well so far, and I’ve already learned so many new things (especially on the defensive end). I have never had to talk this much, but I really think it makes a huge difference in practice, and it helps get us through the sometimes long 3 hours. As Coach Miller would say, “A quiet court is a losing court,” but it’s never quiet with Coach Roos and her loud clap. :) The upper classmen really help all the “newcomers/freshmen” through practice, and teach us so many different things. I am excited to start basketball season!
There have already been so many good memories since I first started here at BGSU. We’ve had the strongwoman contest, the golf outing, an “over the hill” party, and just memories we get spending time with our teammates. There is a definite bond watching our weekly TV shows like Desperate Housewives (Kevin’s favorite show), Cougar Town (thanks to Coach Miller), Grey’s Anatomy, and Private Practice. We all even have an alias for the Desperate Housewives characters, hence the nicknames Susan and Bree for Danielle and me. I love BGSU so far, and the college atmosphere here, especially my 10x14 box of a dorm room. Life isn’t too bad here, even with classes and practices. My teammates make it all worth it, and are always there for support and leadership. The weight room isn’t half bad either, plus I have these monstrous guns now that Kevin can’t even match up to. This is definitely the place for me, and I can’t wait to experience what the next four years brings.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Meet the Newcomers Part 1: Danielle Havel

Because I am a transfer student, I am not considered anything. It is always freshmen, sophomores, and Danielle. I classify myself as a freshman though, probably because I live in the dorm with all of them (it’s awesome by the way). We started official practice Friday of last week, and they are going fantastic. Even though practice goes for 3 hours, the team still manages to have fun while working. The practices here are much different then the ones I was used to at DePaul, but the philosophy is still the same: to work hard and win games.
The team is always so fun to be around, we all get along, and it helps make practice go that much faster. I have enjoyed events such as the golf outing, newbie’s lunch with the coaches and celebrating Tamika’s 22nd (over the hill) birthday. The lunch with the coaches was especially fun because Jessie Tamerlano and I destroyed all 4 coaches in cornhole that day.** Overall, I spend most of my time with the freshmen, where we all have different personalities but that is what makes us such a good fit. We do stupid things like create a facebook page for Chrissy’s cat Marley, and have famous team quotes such as: “Got it!!” or “What is going on?!” My transition from DePaul to Bowling Green has been well worth it, and the best decision for me. Whether it is the fun coaching staff, the college town of Bowling Green, or my teammates, there is never a dull moment in BG and I cannot wait for games to start!! (where I will be cheering on the sidelines!!)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How Many Candles are on that Cake???
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Video Clips from Costa Rica!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Coach Miller to Coach the Falcons Through 2015!!

"I would also like to thank my extremely talented assistant coaches for their hard work and dedication to our program. Their ability to attract high-level basketball players with incredible character has been the secret to our championship success. Finally, I would like to thank our former and current players for believing in our vision and helping establish the culture of championship success at BGSU."